It’s been a week and a half since the election, and Democrats continue to look for the flaws in the Kamala Harris campaign. Here are 10 of the most commonly accepted mistakes that cost her the election!
Dick Cheney Threatening to Shoot Non-Voters in the Face

An alarming late-game strategy employed by Harris and her campaign saw the former Vice President loudly threaten the crowd for five minutes before ultimately bringing the presidential nominee out to speak. Exit polls showed this tactic made voters “less likely” to vote for Harris.
Referring to Donald Trump as “Hitler” 2,409 Times During the Campaign

It was a bit much, honestly.
Duet With Taylor Swift

If you thought hearing Kamala talk was bad, check out her singing “Shake It Off” with Taylor Swift at a campaign stop in Cleveland. It made us consider moving to Europe just to get away from this shit.
Insisting She Wouldn’t Do Anything Differently Than Biden

“The wildly unpopular president that is 86-ing his campaign at the urging of the country? Yeah, I’m gonna be just like him!” See you in the White House, Kamala!
Wearing a Kenta Cloth While Campaigning in Urban Areas

Unsurprisingly, this did nothing to help her win the Georgia vote, with some pundits claiming her campaign actually suffered because of the tone deaf display.
Speaking in General

Nothing positive happened for the Harris campaign anytime she spoke. They really should have figured out some alternative method of communicating, like holding up signs with messages on them or something.
Mismanaging the Billion Dollars She Raised

Oh, so working class voters don’t care about million-dollar Oprah Winfrey endorsements and Las Vegas sphere ads? That’s strange. Who would’ve seen that coming?!
Putting a Leash on Tim Walz

When the election started, he was shotgunning beers and arm wrestling people in the front row. By the time the Democratic election machine was done with him, he was just another generic guy with nothing to say.
Flaunting Endorsement From Darth Vader

Who was that supposed to impress, exactly?
Disastrous Attempt at McDonald’s Photo-Op

Her desperate attempt to copy Trump’s successful PR move came apart after she snapped at several teenage coworkers and threatened to have them fired and arrested. Oopsie!
Good riddance, Joe B’s minion; hope we never having to see your worn-out/tiring exaggerated-laugh face ever again!
If the public was looking for a candidate that made it through life starting at college and everything thereafter with the help of her Sugar Daddy, Willy Brown, Whorris was the one. Guess the public is much smarter than she is.
What’s sad is it is not even satire. She was a lousy choice as VP and even worse than Joe as a presidential candidate.
How about she lost the election just because she’s stupid everything she stands for is stupid. She’s stupid tampon is stupid which is all dumb people.
And, now, we are “unburdened by” the hasbeen.
Fairshare! Fairshare!, WM. F. Buckley once said,
I would like to electrocute anyone who uses the
word “fair” in connection with income policies
Well, the only house “Hamas-ala Scare-US” should be residing in is a dog house! Folks, the scary part is that nearly half of “TRANSFORMED & TRANSGENDERED AMERIKA” actually voted for this communist dumb bitch! These know-it-all, sanctimonious, communist (D)emons aren’t done yet! They think that they are entitled to RULE over US while the only thing they are capable of running are their lying mouths while accruing much wealth for doing just that! Hit the road bitch and take that girly-man husband of yours with you and don’t come back! I never want to see that nervous giggle of yours again!
David Veselenak : You and all the other losers who voted in Trump are going to taste sour grapes once trumps’ economic blunders take hold. Your management position at Sunglass Hut should be safe even if produce from Mexico will soon cost 40% more as will a lot of other things you buy. Your Action figures, made in China of lead laced ,recycled plastic will cost more and your Taylor Swift downloads should not be affected. Living in your parents basement should be saving you a bunch. Loser.
H.Marx, Columbus ,OH
Oh, wonder of wonders! A MARXIST!
That “nervous giggle or cackle” is what gave her away as a total incompetent about everything. I’m surprised that cases she handled as CA. A.G. are not being reviewed and scrutinized for legal malfeasance.
Selfishness -> Avarice -> Power -> Votes -> Equity -> DEI -> Kamala -> Self-destruction
Plain English you Fu-ked America and every American citizen. What you did to the border should of got shot for TREASON. Your a do nothing person and accomplishment nothing in 3.5 years. Cost taxpayers Trillions of dollars and have nothing to show for it. Lied about Biden’s health and told the world he’s the smartest person and can run circles around everyone else. Your a lying corrupt cheating politician who has no brains and can’t even speak intelligence words. You lost because Biden Harris and democrats don’t represent America and the American people. Democrats are finished for ever until everyone one who’s in there now is gone. Crooked corrupt lying assholes is the democrat party. They can’t blame one person it’s all of them especially the Pelosi Schumer Schiff etc. These inside democrats destroyed this country their the ones making their outrageous decisions and laws
The fact she kept saying she was raised middle class did it for a lot of people. Her repeated lies did her in!
She attended college by using a “Special Experience” program for low income minority families. This despite both her parents were tenured professors and NOT low income in any way. They used that program because the standards for acceptance were extremely low. or not even considered at all. Now there is another skeleton hiding in her closet. Regarding the indictment of Sean Diddy Combs on all sorts of charges, Harris was best friends with Jennifer Lopez who was Combs love interest for years. Harris and Lopez were in Combs ‘inner circle” and seen at all of the guys giant events. This might be the one thing that finishes Harris off completely. Only time will tell if she gets tied in to this guy.
She was a prosecutor, the lowest form of the lowest profession. She just isn’t likable.
Thank God we instead have a lying, narcissistic, psychotic, unqualified, moron as president now. Things will be lots better. I expect grocery prices will be down by March. The Ukraine war should be over by February (will be good news for Russia). We should be able to have deported a million people by June. Also regulations on drugs, fracking, and dumping chemicals into our drinking water will be gone.
I will be free! I will also be critically ill, but what the hell. Morons
All of Europe has banned fluoride in drinking water for years. The current FDA and medical community is already going crazy because RFK Jr is opposed to fluoride and will probably push for sanctions. n tvr
She has all the brains of a biden!
So, that’s where Joe’s brains went. Thanks !
Good Grief Kamala!!! your a choke!!!!
Based on the results of the 2024 election “their must be a God” that has been paying attention.