1952: Arthur Cocaine Dazzles Neighbors With New Homemade Sniffing Powder

Local mild mannered chemist Arthur Cocaine would go on to patent and sell his signature sniffing powder, which he named after himself, before its eventual decriminalization. Mr. Cocaine was last seen in a violent gunfight with DEA officers in his Miami penthouse where he was gunned down after threatening officers with a pair of bazookas.

Comments 3

  1. Dakotajoe says:

    Ah, yes. I have fond memories of getting off the crab boat in Dutch harbor Alaska and spending my cash pay on really good toot. A couple of strippers and a bag of blow then back to the boat. Repeat. Hey it was the 80’s!!!

  2. XRTO says:

    I think I remember meeting his children, Rock and Crack.

  3. Hunter says:

    I’m in love with that man! I’ll have daddy avenge his murder!!

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