2500 B.C.: Cavemen Erect Stonehenge Strictly to Confuse Future Historians

“This is gonna blow their minds in the future,” said caveman Grak, lead designer on the Stonehenge project, of the randomly placed structures that took several months to complete. “They won’t know what the hell this shit is.”

Comments 11

  1. Luis says:

    Best assessment of a historical fact that have heard until now.

  2. Carl says:

    Today’s so called broken pot finders, have really no clue how are ancestors lived. Their tale is one of guessing, and if they can’t explain it, its religious! Stone henge was built by druids. We just have theories with no proof what it was built for. With druids my guess sacrifices

  3. MAGA man says:

    Cavewoman added” It will give them a holistic question of the exitential threat of ‘What’s UP?’

    • Gronk says:

      I’m just gonna unburden myself from what was. Holistically, of course!!

  4. Art Zacher says:

    This government project with costly over runs not only didn’t work, as no one had a clue what they were doing, but still is incomplete awaiting further government funding.

    • Sly says:

      So that’s where the democrats got the inflation creation act from!!

  5. XRTO says:

    Historians say that people back then had no written language and they can’t understand how they did it. Look around today. Nobody writes anything. Everything is on a smart phone.

  6. Vetmike says:

    I visited Stonehenge a few years back. It was clear to me that it was indeed a huge joke played on us.

  7. Marko says:

    Atheists say something very similar about religion.

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