In a curious case of government efficiency, President Biden’s administration was reportedly shelling out $18 million per month to Family Endeavors to maintain an empty Texas overflow facility, sources have confirmed.
The twist? A former U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement employee, who was part of Biden’s transition team, joined Family Endeavors and played a pivotal role in securing this lucrative no-bid contract for the organization.
Critics are raising eyebrows over the hefty sum paid to keep the facility as vacant as a ghost town, questioning the rationale behind funding an empty building. “It’s like paying for a hotel room you never sleep in,” quipped one government watchdog.
Meanwhile, supporters argue it’s a strategic reserve, ready at a moment’s notice. Yet, the empty beds and echoing halls tell a different story of bureaucratic bloat.
As of press time, local Texas tour guides were seen offering excursions of the empty facility, billing it as the most expensive ghost town tour in America.