In an unprecedented display of partisan unity, every single Democrat Senator has voted “Yes” on the controversial Protection of Men in Girls Sports Act, sources have confirmed.
The bill, which has puzzled many with its contentious title and even more contentious content, aims to protect the right of men to compete in girls’ sports under the guise of inclusivity and fairness.
The decision has sparked a frenzy of media coverage and public debate, with some praising the move as a bold step towards equality, while others decry it as the end of female athletics as we know it. “It’s about fairness,” stated one Senator, while dodging a question about biological differences.
Critics from the sports world have been less than enthusiastic. “Next, we’ll have heavyweight champs in ballet just to balance things out,” quipped a high school girls’ track coach.
The bill’s passage has led to an awkward celebration in Congress, with members unsure whether they’ve just championed civil rights or unwittingly participated in a satire of their own making.
As of press time, confused parents at a local school sports event were seen consulting biology textbooks and the U.S. Constitution simultaneously, trying to make sense of their new reality.
This TO ME is the most Indecent Think that the Foolish Democrats have ever done in the last 250 years. I cannot Fathom that any of these Democratic Congress Men and Women, Especially The Women, will be re-elected come 2026. If they are I suspect that5 this whole country will ge DOWN THE DRAIN in No Short Order. This is Just UNACCEPTABLE.
I agree with you 100% the ladies will suffer tremendous pain in the contact sports and the politicians who voted for this will have to bear the consequences of their actions.
Demoncrats are pure evil Scum
You are so right
So true!!!
you are sooo right
Another law that is anti-female. The dems need to wake up and see what’s going on right in front of their eyes.
Stop reacting to Trump and THINK. Get your own plan.
This is so very anti woman!!
How many will have lifetime injuries, or even death, from a naturally stronger average man?!
Who is the stupid person, or persons, behind this who obviously hate women and wish them deadly harm?
This vote tells us all we need to know about the Democrat party and their attitude toward fairness and responsibility seems they could care less about the definite possibility of women being permanently harmed by having to compete with men. If this is in fact their attitude, we need to make sure our government is NOT controlled by them at any level.
It’s the liberal, progressive, climate change, new green deal, DEI, CRT, BLM, anti police, pro criminal, open border, same sex bath rooms, men in girls sports, anti carbon corrupt democrat party that is behind it. Democrats need to finally see what the party is all about. Certainly not America First.
and are these the same fools who wore pink to address the union speech
don’t they know pink represents BREAST CANCER AWARENESS,
After the way the So called Democrats acted at the State of the Union speech last night
I have concluded they don’t deserve any kind of respect. All of them last night showed no respect.
To the office of the President, or to any of the people President Trump honored last night.
Everyone else stood and applauded for those people. The democratic party is dead. It’s peopled
by sick and twisted liberals who still believe they lost the election. They are nothing more than
Communist thugs who hate everyone else and this great country. They should all be removed from
office. I think there are lots of Democrats out there who are honest, decent, God fearing people. It’s
a shame their Party has been stolen from them, by a few rotten crooked lowlife’s. I feel very sorry
for them. One of my best friends was a Democrat. He has passed, but I bet he’s spinning in his grave
right now.
The Democratic party of today is definitely not the party of old who advocated fairness and common sense and was respected.
Boy, the issue of men competing in women’s sports and occupying women’s locker rooms isn’t even worth debating. It’s so freakin’ wrong from top to bottom, it’s just best to walk away rather than debate a brain-dead, deranged moron.
Everyone. The Daily Skrape is satire. Their motto is: If you are offended you are part of the joke.
Your right the Daily skrape is meant to be satire. But they are dead on how the Democrats reacted to Trumps speach to last nights joint session of Congress. Total disrespect for the office…not standing when Trump entered the chamber…..not clapping for families brutally affected by illegal immigrants…Democrat Al Green having to be forcibly removed from the chamber for not maintaing decorum….and many other instances. This sums it up about the democratic party…..the only time the Dems clapped was to maintain a non ending war in Ukrane and they denounced Trumps attempt to find peace in that matter. If you ask me the Democratic party is over and done. Common sense has left the party.
Let’s put EVERY woman Democrat in a boxing ring/ swim pool/ etc to see how they fair against a man. If they can beat the man, they win. If they loose, they resign NEVER to run for any office again.
Put every Dem. woman in against a Rep. man…
Then put every Dem. man in against a Rep. woman…
Don’t be surprised if when the dust settles, only Reps.
are still standing !
Maybe that is exactly what is in fact happening ?
Democraps eat schitt!
That is so Anti-People-Who-Happen-To-Have-Wombs !!
Over ride it and Congress make it law no men in women’s, sports and no women in men’s sports, and No trans in ether one of the areas, same in military women can’t carry a 200 lb. Man of a battle field they should not be on front lines ever ,and there are some jobs this should be in as well physically able without cutting it back so they women can pass, like police seen it myself they are not capable and it just make more dangerous actions, and possibly death we are not stupid and these women trying to be men have caused a lot of this problem it stops now and all testing back to where it was no more favoritism for either side
Why would we expect anything different? Democrat boys and men are generally not athletic enough to compete with other men. This levels the playing field, and even though they’re still pussies, they can now go out and brag about their athletic conquests. Sill boys!