In a bold fiscal maneuver that’s causing quite the stir, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida returned nearly $1 billion in federal funds to the U.S. Treasury, declaring his state’s budget balanced and its financial conscience clear, sources have confirmed.
Meanwhile, California Governor Gavin Newsom quickly raised his hand, asking if the Golden State could pocket the change, citing their unmatched expertise in spending, well, everything.
DeSantis, known for his penny-pinching prowess, said the move reflects Florida’s commitment to responsible governance and avoiding unnecessary debt. “Why keep it if we don’t need it?” DeSantis rhetorically asked during a press conference, his remarks punctuated by the distant sound of fiscal conservatives fainting in shock.
On the other coast, Newsom, facing a budget stretched thinner than a Silicon Valley start-up’s business plan, eagerly eyed the returned funds. “We have a natural talent for turning billions into air,” Newsom commented, presumably referring to California’s pioneering but pricey environmental initiatives and not to its disappearing public funds.
As the federal government contemplates what to do next, other states are reportedly lining up with wish lists, hoping to catch some of the fiscal windfall.
As of press time, California had already submitted a proposal for a high-speed train to nowhere, powered entirely by the hopes and dreams of its taxpayers.
My God in Heaven….When are these BOZO’S in California going to learn the Newsome is a Person that has NO BUSINESS in running a State. He should be Put Out To Pasture for the rest of his natural life. Or be brought to EXILE over what he has done to the Great State of California….Oh Yeah take some of them LUNITIC So Called Stars With You ….PLEASE
I live in California! It came out a few days ago that Newsom is short 6.5 billion dollar because of all the free healthcare care for illegals. The VA damn bullet train had a 100 billion before Newsom took office and he’s pissed all that away. Quit giving this idiot anymore money. It never goes where it’s suppose to go.
This senior citizen from the eastern part of California says I couldn’t agree more.
I bet if you gave Newsome 5 BILLION< He would make it disappear also , It doesntmatter how much he gets, It goes to BULLSHIT projects that make him, His family ties and his close freinds Richer, Then he turns and blames it on the Party Not in power, AND THE IDIOTS IN THE STATE FALL IN LINE, Notice how all the Open Border preachers HAVE HUGE WALLS AND FENCES AROUND THERE HOMES, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This senior Californian could not agree more.
Newsom has ravaged the funds of Californians for too long. He needs to be removed and citizens of the US don’t let him get near a chance of running for President. He is nothing but trouble.
Absolutely no more loans, government handouts or grants to fund Governor Newson’s idiomatic ideologies. Absolutely the worst Governor California has ever had. California needs to be investigated to find out just wear our taxpayer money’s have gone.