The flaming wreckage of a Cyber Truck outside of the Trump Hotel that was used in a failed domestic terrorist attempt was issued a parking ticket by local authorities, sources confirm.
“Yeah, we’re still waiting on the fire department and tow truck and all that, but in the meantime, we can’t forget that this truck is illegally parked,” said William Connors, a traffic enforcement agent on duty at the time. “Oh shit. The ticket burned up. I hadn’t considered that. Better phone this into HQ.”
The truck was rigged to explode and cause damage to the building nearby. However, the Tesla absorbed most of the impact, leaving the driver as the only fatality.
“Why’d they give him a parking ticket?” asked bystander Emily Baker. “First of all, he’s dead, second of all, the tickets keep burning up every time that guy puts one on the windshield, and third, based on this guy’s prowess at planning an attack, I think even if he were alive he might struggle to figure out how to pay that thing. Just give it up.”
As of press time, the flaming Cyber Truck had been extinguished, and a fresh parking ticket had been applied to the windshield’s remains.
L.V. Pd. said they have a white suite on order. As soon as Amazon delivers it they will replace all the
paper tickets with the new asbestic parking citation.