After writing a letter published by the New York Times insisting that Joe Biden drop out of the Presidential Race a few weeks ago, George Clooney has now written another, this time urging readers to check out Ocean’s 11 on TNT this weekend.
“Hello my fellow Americans,” began the letter. “Now that we’ve done the right thing and saved democracy from facism, it’s time we kick back and relax and enjoy our victory. And wouldn’t you know it, TNT is showing the whole Ocean’s 11 trilogy back-to-back-to back all weekend. Today I’m urging everyone to take some time today or tomorrow and throw on these immensely enjoyable films. Even the sequels aren’t as bad as some people say. Thank you.”
Though many agreed on the films’ inherent rewatchability, readers questioned the necessity of Clooney’s messaging.
“Of course Ocean’s 11 is a classic that is always good to throw on,” said local New York Times reader Travis Cowlings. “It’s no Shawshank Redemption or anything, but it’ll do. I’m just not sure why George Clooney had to take the time to make such a production out of telling us all what we already knew.”
As of press time, George Clooney had published an update to the letter, clarifying that reruns of ER would be okay to watch if Ocean’s 11 hadn’t started yet.
Go away clooney, you ignorant shill. Why hasn’t amal EVER had anything to say about the murdered druze childten? You’re both pathetic!
F**k George Clooney and the rest of his communist anti-American Hollywood pretenders.
I wouldn’t watch it if the POS paid me
who in the H cares what booker brooks thinks? only thing hes know for is humping Roseanne Conners sister in Roseanne tv show!
The Only “Ocean’s Eleven” worth watching (and the best) is the original with “the Rat Pack” – Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., et al. Forget about the would-be copycats – there is no way they can attain the “gravitas” of the original.
My mom taught me “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” So, I’ll refrain from commenting on Mr. Clooney and his socialist politics, his lightweight political opinions is his remakes of better films.
Self-promoting Democrat.
The Ocean’s Trilogy are classic.
Thinking he is more than he is. Yes????
I probably would check out the movie….if Clowney was not in it.