In an unprecedented move that has shaken the foundations of Washington, a Federal District Court Judge has ruled that President Donald Trump must seek his personal permission before using Air Force One for any travel, sources have confirmed.
This extraordinary ruling was handed down following a heated debate over the use of presidential perks.
The judge’s decision comes amidst concerns over the “appropriate use” of government resources, with the ruling stating, “President Trump is required to submit a formal request and itinerary before boarding Air Force One.”
This has sparked a flurry of reactions from both sides of the political aisle. Critics have slammed the decision as a blatant overreach into executive privileges, while supporters of the ruling argue it ensures accountability at the highest levels of government. Trump’s lawyers have vowed to challenge the order, labeling it as “a ludicrous encroachment on presidential prerogatives.”
In response to the ruling, President Trump tweeted, “Last I checked, Air Force One came with the job. Maybe I’ll just build a better one and call it Air Force Trump!”
As of press time, the White House was reportedly consulting aviation experts about the feasibility of a new presidential jet with more gold trim than the current model.
No judge should have any authority regarding the President’s use of Air Force One!
Totally ridiculous!
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.These Judges need to be kicked off the benches & fired!
You just took yourself out of participating in this forum…
Says who?
Yes they do! let me remind you, Trump the hump is the President of the United States not a dictator dictating the laws of the nation. He must be respectful and follow the laws of the United States the job doesn’t come with Description thst every judge has to bend over to Trump’s demands. And the should hold him in contempt for insulting and losing respect to all judges that doesn’t agree with him. It’s a disrespect and using abusive language.
Problem is the judges are violating the separation of power per the Constitution and basically saying that they run the country. Thus it is illegal orders just like the bank telling you you can’t drive your car without their permission even though the car is paid off. Thus is just political warfare and more liberal gaslight just like burning tesla cars is peaceful protests and showed how much they really care about the climate change bu**sh**.
This ruling is an overreach of judicial authority, encroaching on the executive branch’s inherent privileges and operational autonomy. The presidency, by its very nature, demands flexibility and discretion in matters of travel and resource use, particularly when it comes to something as fundamental as Air Force One, which is not just a mode of transport but a symbol and tool of executive power. Imposing such bureaucratic hurdles undermines the efficiency and independence of the office. While accountability is important, this decision veers into micromanagement, setting a precedent that could hamper future administrations. The critics are right—this is a step too far into presidential prerogatives, and it’s hard to see it as anything but an attempt to flex judicial muscle where it doesn’t belong.
How stupid can you get. Name one other President that was required to do that. Give me a break! Anyone who agrees with this stupidity is only doing so out of hatred for our President! Total ignorance!
You’ve got SH/T for brains!
You’re too funny
Judge should respect the president as well
He has no control over the president and his job
Problem is. In the last four years who followed the laws ?
No one but white Americans It sure they asnt Democrats. Where were the complaints when Hunter was being kept up by the American people in the $16,000 house And he was using Air Force one.
This has begun to be way to stupid even for democrats
You mean like the last administration?
My comment was meant for Magster 49
Didn’t see much of that with the last administration! Can you say treason, embezzlement, cocaine! (Hunter!). Ridiculous and embarrassing for our country!!!!!! Personally I would like my money back from all those stupid programs that they supported, cruel animal testing, Drag shows, etc. etc. etc. Didn’t see Biden get grounded when he was going all over the place for his vacations/so-called business deals, etc. in all reality I guess it depends on who’s in office these days. Democrats and Republicans should be working together for the betterment of all Americans not just a select few, and Nancy Pelosi should be accountable for all of the inside trading that she had done via information from her hubby. Crooked is as crooked does!
Why when it’s Americans among us who are being paid to do violence to the rest of the people.America will fall if people don’t rise up and stand together as a nation ! Town halls are loaded with Soros and democrat funded Attacks And Its Americans who are being paid to kill this nation and it’s people.Wait until the Muslim Terrorists among us are released upon us to do to us what they did to Israel.Muslims were let in by Obama and Biden And they were never vetted . And it’s our money they steal to pay for those evil things . Those who sit in our chambers fail to remember they work for us Yet they are all over the putrid lying media’s calling for the attacks and murders of those who want their stealing from us to stop . People set in prison for this crime. And They should Too or be executed for treason I am a white American woman who is sick of our entire government. Especially the attacks upon white people while they kiss the anus of blacks and illegals and the moron genderless among us. Our people are willing to go into slavery for ! Who and what ?
The executive branch is not answer to the judicial branch when it comes to use of that plane anybody that thinks that this judge has the power to do that does not know the constitution
You are an IDIOT!
Those before Trump were happily afforded these luxuries and used AF1 for their family vacations and not one time were any of those democraps required to have a “Mother-May-I” slip. This is just another excuse to try and hobble the President.
It’a a parody….
Petulant, immature and rebellious
Totally agree. This unbelievable evil minded corrupt judge needs to be ousted. Supreme Court wake the hell up
Agreed, clearly some deranged Dems who are by nature simply “Dim witted morons”..
Where was that judge when Biden was jetting over to China with Hunter to pick up Chinese bribes?
More reasons for impeachment as judges do not own Air force one it belongs to the people and is assigned to the president for his use. Judges are taking authority they do not have according to the constitution and this must be rectified.
Agree, NO JUDGE should be in a position to tell the American President what he can and cannot do period! It’s time for Congress to enact some laws and get these judges, who are supposed to be Justice is Blind, NOT POLITICAL, under control. He is hampering our President from doing his job that WE, The American people elected him to do. This is totally insane and must be changed immediately.
I think all these judges need to be smacked down and taken off the bench. This is lunacy.
Yes they should
They have no respect to the leader of our country
These left wing politicians obviously need to go! This kind of thing is what happens when political power corrupts the judiciary, this is an assault on democracy.
Where were they when Hunter Biden was using Air Force One to fly all over the world as if he owned it,
Great question!!
So has every other president been required to get permission from this judge or only Trump??
Now. Did Biden need similar permission? Nope. All BS politics.
I think I remember that Nancy Pelosi traveled from San Francisco to Washington DC every week on her “Speaker of the House” Air Force 3.
Totally Moronic! Who does this judge think he is to interfere with the administration of the governmental operations and making this country look like a crew of pansies to the rest of the world!
It’s not about the man but the office.
Judge Bozo again I’d presume
Please lets see all of Bidens requests to use Air Force One in the past. I am sure if Biden provides the requests then Trump should do it also.
How many trips to Hawaii did Obama make, Biden to his vacation spots and every other President to various destinations. Just more liberal bashing at President Trump. Sick of all this crap!
The American people need to rip this scumbags head off who does this asshole judge think he is does he think he has more power than a president this asshole needs to be arrested immediately for federal obstruction charges and Treason against a sitting President. We need all information on these radical judges so the American people know where these criminal judges live and how they are financing their extravagant homes and activities. Where are these judges getting their kickbacks from and who is holding their leashes. Time to smoke these corrupt judges out for there corruption. They need to be raided at 2:00 am with warrants stating may use deadly force if necessary. Put them in prison for obstruction of federal EOs from a president.
Just get the judge disbarred. Get his opinion rejected by some good Republican Judges and let the President make a higher ruling on stupidity and as he said get back to common sense! Fire the Judge,rule over stupid and let him no longer judge anything. PS, Executive powers rule over Judicial powers. Arrest the Judge and let the Supreme Court rule him out of power for wrongful conviction without proper motive. The votes that put President Trump in power are above some ignorant looser Judge. We the people have overturned ignorance, stupidity, and prejudice.
Here’s more examples of corrupt ideology and abuse of power by our so-called government justice system.
These judges are bought and compromised evil people.
God help this country, if Americans don’t stand up to evil tyrants democrats now .
Does this mean our golf outing is off for the weekend?
Where was this (judge?) when Hunter used Air Force One like it was his own, and flew all over the world on his illegal corrupt doings??? What a FREAKEN crock of SHIT
Just give the name and address of such Judge .Then maybe he can be deported also . This has to be the stupidest person in our country .This person needs to be disbarred and never work as a judge again.
It says the article was written by J.K. Around
I think this judge should be arrested.
He doesn’t have the authority to ground Air Force One.
Put him in solitary confinement, no bail.
If a sudden problem came up where AF 1 is needed right now
this would make him guilty of treason, obstructing the president from doing his job,
perhaps evening putting the presidents life in danger.
Lock the S.O.B. up!!!!!!
It’s really kind of funny how many have commented here as if this were actually true when it is satire at its best.
Besides that, it isn’t a particular airplane unlike what many think is those 747s the president flies around in. Any transport aircraft that is in the Air Force inventory is designated ‘Air Force One’ when the president is aboard.
You don’t seem to realize forcing President Trump to get permission from some judge to do anything is the point of this (to update my hat from 2013: “Atlas Shrugged is Now Non-Fiction, and Trump is Galt”)
“UNPRECEDENTED ???” So, So, many “precedents” of even traffic-judges over-reaching.
Hahaha…. The joke is on you. This is fake news. From the Daily Scrape home page, ABOUT section:
Welcome to The Daily Skrape, where reality gets a wedgie and dignity is on permanent vacation. We’re the news’s cheeky cousin, delivering a daily dose of satire with a side of absurdity.
Our mission? To poke fun at the pompous, skewer the self-serious, and ensure that no topic is safe from our satirical scalpel. From politics and world events to celebrities and sports, there’s no subject we won’t Skrape!
No don’t you feel silly?
Who in the world is this idiot judge who thinks he can do this. Someone tell this idiot that he is just plain crazy. Put these idiot judges in prison or get rid of their stupidity some other way!! We know we cannot count of the ridiculous Supreme Court to do anything for Trump. There is just so much craziness going on now that someone with common sense needs to do something. These crazy half wit judges need to be gone
Who in the world is this idiot judge who thinks he can do this. Someone tell this idiot that he is just plain crazy. Put these idiot judges in prison or get rid of their stupidity some other way!! We know we cannot count of the ridiculous Supreme Court to do anything for Trump. There is just so much craziness going on now that someone with common sense needs to do something. These crazy half wit judges need to be gone
No I have not now post these thoughts or are you afraid to
Seems to me, AIR FORCE ONE is the designation given to ANY plane the POTUS is on.
So trump can’t even fly commercial without filing for permission.
The judge is senile and needs to be removed.
Wow! So much vitriol for a SATIRE site. Calm down folks, it didn’t really happen, although lord knows it’s possible in these days and times.
The judges may have acted as ‘Friends of Presidential Safety’ in view of Trump’s potential flying in an aircraft with unknown and unproven wing- and engine contraptions. This would usually fall under the responsibility of the Federal Aircraft Inspection and Approval – but they have, recently (and for some time – esp with Boeing) not been too busy in matters of responsibility.