In a surprising revelation of government oversight—or lack thereof—the Small Business Administration (SBA) reportedly loaned a staggering $312 million to children 11 years old or younger during the COVID-19 pandemic, sources have confirmed.
The loans, intended to support struggling businesses, apparently did not discriminate by age, leading to a generation of toddler entrepreneurs.
The error was discovered during a routine audit, which revealed that numerous loans had been approved for applicants whose birthdates suggested they were still mastering the art of tying shoelaces, let alone running a business. “We wanted to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship,” an SBA spokesperson commented, “but perhaps preschoolers were a bit too young.”
The situation has left parents baffled and bureaucrats scrambling to explain how so many young children managed to fill out loan applications. “I thought he was just playing on the iPad,” said one parent, whose four-year-old somehow secured a six-figure loan to open a lemonade stand.
As of press time, playgroups were reportedly being investigated as potential business incubators, and the SBA was considering crayons and coloring books as acceptable forms of business plans for future submissions.
Sounds just like the government which Trump wants to clean up and the government that the democrats are screaming to leave alone. CNN and msnbc should properly display their prejudiced support by showing a picture of a group of children standing behind their lemonade stand with a sign saying that Trump wants to take their million $ business loan away.
Did the parents of children get the money ???
Or did someone were the money can from pocket it.
How does a 4 yrs old take a check to the bank and deposit it. The parents should have been asking questions.
Maybe the money was on paper only and the toddlers got a token certificate. The money was probably funneled into a Dem pet project or into their own pockets. They are a greedy bunch.
One wonders how we can have such stupid people in these positions! And how come no one caught this within days of it happening? And how did these parents not know their toddler got this money?
Amazing ho any people have no clue that to is is satire!
Lear to spell in English.
Amazing how many people have no idea that the daily scrape is satire! 😂😂😂😂
Satire or not it would not shock me there is some merit to it. It’s not as ridiculous sounding as some of the other BS our tax monies went to.