Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota and Kamala Harris’ recently chosen Vice Presidential candidate, has proven himself relatable to the working class of middle America, by lying about a DUI he got decades ago, sources confirm.
“Huh, maybe we’re not so different after all,” said local Republican Art Waltrip, currently on probation and a suspended license for his third drinking and driving infraction, which he’s desperately trying to keep from his family. “I thought he was another one of these soft-ass democrats, and hell maybe he is, but the way he thought he could keep a DUI secret that everyone was obviously going to find out about has made me think he’s a little more like regular folk than I realized. Good for him.”
Walz has been leaning into the newfound relatability the DUI has given him in recent campaign appearances.
“You’ll never see Donald Trump get a DUI,” he said during a recent speech in Pittsburgh. “No, Trump is too removed from the middle class to sneak in a last round of shots before you drive home and then get pulled over because you made an impromptu decision to swerve over to grab some Culver’s. Nope, not Trump. He’s rich and spoiled, he’d just call his driver or something. He doesn’t know what it’s like to be a true American.”
As of press time, Walz closed his speech by shotgunning a few beers and driving off in a golf cart to thunderous applause from the gathered audience.
The lesson forgotten many years ago is——-The duty of the voting citizen is to vote for the most qualified candidate. Today it is pick a side and stay on it no matter what!!!!!! Choosing the most qualified takes work and effort and in todays world who wants to do that?????
The man is a terrible lost, plus his decisions are so hard to believe anyone could even think like that as a American! This man needs a mental health doctor immediately, something is VERY WRONG WITH HIM!
Exactly, they’re voting with emotion, and not facts How ANYONE in their right common sense and logical mind could vote for these two, is just astounding!
Stupid constituents
You are so correct ..no one wants to do read ..just watch CNN or FOX .. NO real truth with the media..what a shame for our country…wake up people
A lie is a lie, and Walz has had several already.
I have to agree, there seems to be a rather troubling pattern developing with Gov. WALZ and for that matter Kamala Harrid and that is BALD FACE LYING. Not good for the American people when you can’t trust you leaders in the country.
Yep that’s the guy I want – a coward and a drunk and a liar! Kind of like his running mate – coward liar and a hoe! Geez what a great choice! I want to b just like them !
Yep they think we are stupid
Mark Twain once commented; “Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: ‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’
Perhaps Gov. Walz(DEMOCRAT) and V-P Harris(DEMOCRAT) should study the statement above, as statistics are just that!
Receipts all over the place
Walz and Harris lie,cheat and steal,all they know how to do!
Just my opinion but this is what they (current candidates that refuse to talk to the press and are obvious clowns) are for. They keep us looking at them and shaking our heads in disbelief as the puppet master prepares his wife to be the candidate, installed next week after all this turmoil is in the past.
Leftist voters who claim to want socialism, why not just go to a socialist country? Ohhh, they have borders, you must work, and pay 80% in taxes. The idiot traitors don’t have a clue what socialism actually is. It’s not rainbows unicorns.
Two lying cheating corrupt politicians (Harris and Waltz ) who will never do nothing for our country but they will benefit for themselves by making us struggle and suffer to survive. Both of these asinine losers should be removed as soon as possible. Can’t believe the people who are still voting for this disgusting pair. Wasn’t Biden bad enough? See what we got with Crooked Biden? It will be 10 times worse with these two. Socialism isn’t what Waltz is talking about, he is confusing people with his lies. Socialism is when this country is put under the governments power and we will be controlled by the government. Waltz claims it is to be neighborly NO IT IS NOT!!! He is trick f…..g everyone with this LIE.
When MSM gets through doing their work, Harris/Walz will be saviors to th country.
I am just sick at my stomach thinking there is anyway these two can be elected to run this country. Why would anyone want what they want fir our country. People need to read up on what socialism is and what it will do to our country and all of us. It’s absolutely scary.
So, according to Walz, the middle class are a bunch of drunks getting into cars and possibly running into other cars and Trump doesn’t represent the middle class because he doesn’t drink, is wealthy and has a driver. And this gets applause from those around Walz. Kind of tells you that anyone who votes for this piece of trash is an imbecile, idiot and moron! Oh and a piece of trash as well.
Walz aka Old Yellow Stain your a disgrace to your self your pathetic and a lying cheat.
Your not VP or presidential material you cheated your hole life. You and dumb ass Harris will destroy our country. There so much wrong with the two of you there isn’t enough time before Election Day to explain how much you suck. Any democrats who vote for you two are assholes and are the problem with America becoming great again.
Vote Trump to fix democrats screw ups.
Willie knows how much kamell toe sucks! Like a Hoover! And timid balz puts tampons in his ass. What a pair commie rat bastards.
Even though I know everything written here is done in a satirical way, the comments are hilarious to read.