With 2024 at an end, it’s time to look into our crystal ball and predict 10 things we think will happen by the 2025. While these may seem far-fetched to you, we think you’ll be surprised how accurate these predictions prove to be by the year’s end!
Kansas City Chiefs Win Stanley Cup
The Chiefs will continue their dominance over professional sports by entering the world of ice hockey and dominating it for a year.
Trump Dissolves The State of California
Despite the protests of many, namely the residents of California and those with family in California, Trump has promised to take this action on day one of his second presidency. He is currently looking into various methods by which to jettison the landmass from the continent permanently.
You Will Be Replaced By AI
Sorry, but the computer takes shorter breaks and less sick days than you!
Eggs Will Become A Status Symbol
Casually mentioning the omelet you had the other day will shortly be an underhanded way to brag about how successful you are, like mentioning your beach house or collection of rare, exotic birds.
Failed Attempt To Storm Capitol
Insiders indicate that so far the push to stop Trump’s inauguration is mostly coming from a pretty pilled-up Hunter. This one isn’t getting off the runway, you heard it here first.
Healthcare CEOs Start Fighting Back
Tired of living in fear and eager to settle the score, the hunted will vow to become the hunters. And you thought getting them to cover your procedure last year was scary!
‘Grand Theft Auto 6’ Will Sweep the Nation
What is sure to be the year’s most popular video game will likely bring with it a surge in activities like carjacking, murder, and prostitution across America. More so than usual, even.
Less Tesla’s Will Explode
Not many less, but a few less!
About Eight More ‘Spider-Man’ Movies Will Be Released
How do they all connect? What a great question! Well see, first there will be an animated sequel to last year’s animated spin-off, and then there will be a live-action film exclusively on Disney+ that will serve as a bridge between the last Spider-Man film and the upcoming new season of Daredevil. Additionally, Tom Holland will reprise his role as MCU Spider-Man and begin working on the newest installment of films that has nothing to do with the animated series. There’s also another film in the works about a black & white Spider-Man from a different dimension, and whatever else they come up with between now and then. Got all that?
Joe Biden Caught Sleeping In White House
It’s not a theatrical act of political rebellion or anything. It just takes a while for Joe to figure out what’s going on, the poor guy.
The world will be a better place without Kalifrornicate!
You could use some proofreading…..
You could use some proofreading.
They need to get Creepy Joe installed in his beach house and take away his car keys.