After dismissing recent stories about President Joe Biden’s increasingly troubling behavior, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that the entirety of the last four years were one large deepfake video, sources confirmed.
“Nothing you’ve seen has actually been Joe Biden,” Jean-Pierre said to gathered reporters. “The gaffes, the confusion, the falling off of bicycles and the sniffing of little children? All manufactured videos produced by the hateful right to make you think he’s some sort of weird and bumbling old man. Shame on them.”
Despite the assurances of prominent Democrats, many were skeptical of the deep fake revelation.
“Wait, so was that just a computer-generated video of Joe Biden that botched the Afghanistan withdrawal?” asked local citizen Glenn Moore. “Okay, so even if I believed that, then where has the real Joe Biden been all of this time? Do they keep him in some hyperbaric chamber like he’s Darth Vader or something? What a stupid explanation.”
As of press time, Jean-Pierre was insisting to reporters that footage of Biden signing the 1994 Crime Bill, largely viewed as resulting in the disproportionate incarceration of African-Americans, was the world’s first existing deep fake, and shame on whoever made it with their VCR.
Well with that you have the proof of what DEI results in every time and that is MEDIOCRITY in full gear. Truth????? They can’t handle the TRUTH!!!!!
It sure is funny that after 4 years of a bumbling idiot now they say it is all fake! How stupid that they think Americans are that dumb to accept this as true! Biden has screwed up everything he has touched!
The democrats will believe it, because they believe that Trump is responsible for the economy for the last 4 years as well.
First they call us names like deplorables, now they call us stupid because we can see with our own eyes what is happening. The Dems are downright evil.
Yup. Very. VERY. EVIL.
I call them demonrats. Both stupid and evil. Or maybe they are pretending to be stupid juust to fool the rest of us.
You mean you don’t believe this is true?!? It seems true. Only the Democrats are smart enough to pull this off.
It was all an audition, Slo Joe heard they were casting Mr. Bean’s pop, a Mr. Corn, still uncertain if he would be called Pop Corn, or Corn Pop, but Shuffles is consumed with play that part, rehearses every day!
I have been saying for years that a prerequisite to being a Democrat is ” you must be Brain Damaged ,or mentally Ill “. The proof in what I say is evident every time one opens its mouth!
Amen to that
No one could make up this senile, crooked, creepy, biden schitt!
Is KJP delusional? Probably but she also spews the bs so poorly that even Schumer doesn’t believe her and he believes anything the far left vomits. The Biden term should have been held in Sing Sing, or pick your spot.
Someone needs to ask brain-dead KJP why Joseph R. Biden Jr. is buried at Arlington National Cemetary. Cause of death: Treason and pedophilia. Date of death: 1/17/20 at Gitmo!
Hey Americafirst,
I believe your assertion that the real Joseph Biden is deceased and was executed by the military at GITMO as you posit, sometime between the presidential campaign of 2016 and early 2017. He was replaced with a “rubber mask” actor/imposter to do the bidding of the Kazarian Mafia (globalist elites).
Do you have any idea how one could go about finding proof of Biden’s gravesite or headstone information? I would really like to broadcast that fact to the world.
He is buried at Arlington National Cemetary. His gravesite ID # is:267327344. Is that enough proof for you?
If I get this straight. Joe Biden is dead. Was found guilty of treason and died in Gitmo. But someone decided he was too valuable to have dead so there is someone portraying him with a mask, like Mission Impossible, and he is now running the country.
You should write a book. Oh wait! I think they have made several movies about this already. Go for a walk and get some fresh air!!
You really, really stuck your foot in your mouth, KJP. You are so ill-informed about the American people as to think we’d fall for your absolute NONSENSE. Step down and let someone with a bit more credibility (is there such a person?) do this job because you are quite pathetic. You are NOT the smartest person in the room. Such a fool you are!
The question no one seems to ask is, “if all these videos ae so called deep fake videos, where ae the actual videos of Biden. Surely the Republicans are not the only ones with recording and video equipment. Show us the real Biden Democrats.”
I believe her. Joe is living with superman ans batman and they all rotate between the secret lairs. Joe is a super hero who has done magnificant things for his country. Too damn bad his country id not America but America just doesn’t offer the huge bribes he gets from his friends.
I wished Obama and Biden were ‘deepfaked’ so the damage inflicted on America since then did not occur.
Re-electing Biden would be like the Titanic backing up to hit the iceberg again!
The continued lies from Joe Biden and his Democratic Party communist regime tell you how sick and demented they all are. They have destroyed the country in four years on purpose with their Marxist ideology. On top of that Joe Biden used his drug addicted son Hunter to enrich himself and the Biden Crime Family. They use influence peddling for millions of dollars from our advisories like China, Russia, Romania and others.
The Biden’s should be arrested, put on trial and if found guilty executed for treason!
Who is Satan? The father of LIES. He can only be in one place at a time unlike God, so where is he??? The Whithouse comes to mind and in particular Jean Piarre’s mouth and we know where that has been!
I hope Pres. Trump can get in a word about the whole current administration is a “ deep fake “. Since that is the latest spin against Biden videos that show him having issues talking, walking, etc. To me, this administration has been nothing but a nightmare to the people & nation.